Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, October 4, 2019

Week 9 Newsletter

In reading this week we completed our second round of literacy centers! Our centers included students comparing and contrasting historical people of the American Revolution, US Weekly crosswords, a synonym matching game, mult-meaning task cards, conferencing with teacher on talking to text, and read-to-self to apply talking to text strategy. It was a busy week we but we got it all in! Next week students will complete 1-10 of the cold read, Monday, as a formative grade. Then Wednesday they will complete 11-20 of the cold read as a summative grade. This is the last week I will be breaking the cold reads into two parts. Starting at the beginning of the second nine weeks students will take complete questions 1-20 in one setting. This is how they took their cold read assessments in third grade and how they will take them in fifth grade as well.

In writing this week we finished writing the middle section of our narrative rough drafts. I modeled our class narrative and we specifically discussed the use of sensory words/details, use of dialogue, word choice awareness, and use of transitions. Next week we will begin to work on the conclusions of our rough drafts and then continue to look for places to add sensory details and MEANINGFUL dialogue.

In grammar this week we discussed complete subjects/complete predicates, fragments, complete sentences. Next week we will learn about run-on sentences and continue to review the basic parts of speech.

Social Studies
In social studies this week we began learning about the important people of the American Revolution. Students received their graphic organizers and we started with Ben Franklin. They will have this in their DOG books daily so you can review this with them if you would like (so there won’t be so much to do before the test J ). Next week we will continue to review the people and the accomplishments they made in the colonists move towards independence.

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