Classroom Resource Pages


Example of Theme Constructed Responses

Steps to complete: 
1. Tell the title of the story and the theme- Use QUOTATIONS
2. Use details from the story that CONNECT tot he theme (in sequential order)
3. Explain how the theme applies to your life
        The theme of “The Grasshopper and the Ants” is “work hard before you play.” At the beginning of the story, the Grasshopper was enjoying playing his music while the ants were working hard collecting food for the winter. The Queen Ant warned the Grasshopper that come winter, he would be suffering because he wasn’t working hard to collect food. When winter arrived, the ants had plenty of food and the Grasshopper was starving. The author’s message will help me remember to put first things first. I should work hard on important things before I go play something I enjoy.

       The theme of “The Three Little Pigs” is “taking your time to do something right pays off.” At the beginning of the story, each pig built a house. The first two pigs didn’t spend much time making their houses, but the third pig carried heavy bricks and carefully stacked them into a solid house. In the end, the wolf blew down the first and second pigs’ homes, but the third pig’s house was unharmed. The author’s message will help me remember that taking my time to do something well will pay off in the end.

Christmas around the World Project

General Information About Countries

Constructed Response

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