Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 27 Newsletter

3/11 Wednesday Historical People Quiz (Kids have study guide notes)
3/13 Kona Ice
3/13 Out of Uniform for AR

Check out our pics from the week !

·        2 Achieve articles
·        Writing EVERY NIGHT Please ask your child about this and ask them to let you read their writing. Discuss what they have written and what key components they made sure to include. This is VERY important as we gear up for the GMAS.
·        If able, please send your child’s device with them every day (charged) as we will be using devices to play review games and take online review practice assessments over the next few weeks.
·        We are also out of Kleenex so if you could PLEASE send some in that would be GREAT J J J

In reading this week we finished up non-fiction text features. I pulled small groups of students that were struggling or had trouble identifying specific text features. Then today they took their assessment J Next week we will continue to practice using context clues to determine words or phrases used in a text. However, we will specifically focus on those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (Herculean).

In writing this week we will finish up our informational GMAS practice papers. In class we are writing an informational paper together on passages about Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart (from the GaDoe website). We are writing each paragraph together and discussing the key components that should be included. My intent is for them to then take that knowledge and apply it to their nightly writing homework. We will begin our GMAS opinion practice papers next week as well.

We continued talking about ordering adjectives. Next week I want us to review simple, compound, and complex sentences because we still seem to be having a hard time differentiating between the three. They also need to be able to include a variety of sentences in their essay so this is a skill we need to practice. We will also begin reviewing all ELA standards.

Social Studies
In social studies this week we finished discussing key figures that played huge roles in the abolitionist and suffrage movements. Together, we made a graphic organizer with all the key information for each person. They are to use this as their study guide. In class, students are working on a booklet with information on each person. Next week students will participate in review activities and take the quiz Wednesday.

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