Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 12 Newsletter

         Monday Wear a RED shirt with uniform bottoms
         Tuesday Wear your TACKIEST outfit
         Wednesday Wear ORANGE & BLACK Happy HALLOWEEN
         Thursday Student Council Costume Day
         Friday Wear your favorite SPORTS TEAM SHIRT/COLORS

·       Achieve3000 We will take a break from this November/December unless I see individual needs
·       ELA spiral review

In reading this week we learned about main idea and supporting details. We talked about ways to determine the main idea of passages like: read the title, read the first and last sentence, look at photographs/captions, read subheadings, and ask yourself “what is this MAINLY about?” We read both Reading Wonders stories this week and completed graphic organizers together, with partners, and independently. Then I gave students a craft activity to complete Thursday. I am usually hesitant to give activities like this because it causes a lot of chatter and less engaged work time BUT you could have heard a pin drop! They were ON IT and the finished products reflected the standard, integrated science (solar system), and they looked great! Students took a formative assessment over main idea today and I will pull those students Monday/Tuesday and then they will take the cold read over main idea Wednesday.

In writing we discussed adding sensory details to our narratives. I gave them work time to come up with sentences to go with their “seeds” and then we looked at anchor charts to go deeper and make those even better. For example, their sensory sentences should be more “show, don’t tell” so there shouldn’t be a lot of pronouns and they should not actually use the sensory word they are describing in the sentence. Figurative language should be included and word choice should be bold!

We also looked at effective usage of dialogue in our narratives. Students came up with only a few sentences that they felt they could include in their stories that would flow. We did not want to “force” anything just for the sake of putting in dialogue. Next week we will begin editing and revising! I am hoping to wrap these up and put a nice little bow on these SOON! J

We continued looking at sentences, fragments, and run-ons. We just continued practicing how to correct fragments and run-ons with commas, conjunctions, and even semicolons. Next week we will do some fun grammar Halloween centers Thursday!
Social Studies
We WILL get through the major battles next week! J (fingers crossed!)

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