Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, October 18, 2019

Week 11 Newsletter

10/22- Tuesday Grandparents Lunch
10/25 Friday Spirit Day Kids wear JEANS and BDMA shirt

Grammar Spiral Review Our kids NEED this!

We had a short week this week! This week in reading we learned about our last text structure, cause/effect. We read about forces in motion in our Reading Wonders anthology and completed a trifold activity that included all our reading skills for the week. We will continue to review text structures throughout this year. Next week we will move onto main idea/supporting details.

In grammar this week we continued to talk about sentences, fragments, and run-ons. Students completed a sorting activity independently and we went over it in explicit detail together. Then they completed one independently for a grade. We will continue this next week and begin looking at dependent and independently clauses. I will also be sending home a spiral grammar homework sheet. This is ALL review for them and shouldn’t take them more than 5 minutes to complete each night.

Social Studies
This week we finished up the important people and took a quiz today. Next week we will begin talking about the major battles of the war J

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