Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 6 Newsletter

Thank you for a great week! We got a lot accomplished even though we are still settling into or new routine J Please remember that Red Folders come home Thursdays, which includes graded papers, AR report (signed), and behavior sheet (signed). Students have weekly Achieve Logs that should be done every week, signed by you and returned Friday. PLEASE make sure your child is doing this and you are monitoring their progress. This will take the place of a weekly reading log unless the student is having difficulty meeting their AR goals. Thank you for all of your support, as it is a team effort between parents, teachers, and students to ensure the success of our children!

In reading this week we finished up the text structure, Sequencing. Students worked in partners to complete task cards that provided them with a scenario and then asked them when specific events occurred.  During this time I met with students to review the Reading Wonders questions 1-10 they completed last week. Wednesday students took their Reading Wonders, questions 11-20, assessment. Overall, they did EXCELLENT! This week students were also introduced to the text structure, Problem and Solution. We read both stories in the anthology books and discussed key words, vocabulary words, and idioms. After reading the stories students completed their interactive journal activities that incorporated comprehension, vocabulary, and figurative language skills. Next week we will continue with problem/solution and will plan to test the 27th.

We finished our Best Part of Me essays! Yay! They are so cute! We started our narrative unit this week with brainstorming topics for personal narratives. We will continue next week with focusing on small moments and then building around those moments with hooks, sensory details, and dialogue.

Social Studies
In social studies this week I introduced events leading up to the American Revolution. We discussed the French and Indian War, Sugar Act, and Stamp Act. Students have graphic organizers in the SS section of their DOG books. Next week we will cover the Intolerable Acts, Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea Party. Students will receive a study guide and a tentative test date next week as well.

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