Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week 5 Newsletter

9/9 – Monday – Progress reports – Please know that there are minimal grades for Reading/ELA since I have only been back 3 days. I assure you there will be plenty of grades by the time report cards come out and you can always check Infinite Campus to see averages.
9/11 - Wednesday – RW Assessment – Sequencing
9/12 – Thursday – Red Folder day – there will be a behavior log and AR report that need to be signed.
9/13 – Friday – Kona Ice

·       Achieve Sheet – Due Friday
·       Read 20 minutes every night - you can count Achieve articles for this and any other readings they do
·       If there is work they don’t complete in class (that is not a grade) I will send it home for them to complete. I will email you if this happens.  

I am so happy to be back! It’s been an adjustment for both myself and the kids these last few days but we are getting better every day and they are truly an AWESOME group!

In reading this week we focused on sequencing in fictional stories, specifically fairy tales. We discussed how the characters, plot, and settings contribute to the sequential order of a story. We read both stories from the anthologies and students worked in partners to complete practice activities that we reviewed as a class. Today, we completed a practice test together and students did questions from the Reading Wonders assessment as a grade (not a test). Wednesday they will take questions 11-20 that will count as a test grade. Next week we will move onto problem and solution in fictional stories.

This week we have been working on a descriptive writing piece called The Best Part of Me. Mrs. Gaylor read the book to them and they brainstormed the best parts of themselves. Wednesday I modeled how the introduction should include a hook and topic sentence and students made their corrections, met with partners, and then met with me. Thursday I modeled the body paragraph that gave their reasons for why their chosen body part is the best part of themselves. They were also to include details with their reasons. Each student was given a rubric that we discussed and used to grade their introductions and body paragraphs. Monday we will work on the conclusion and begin the final copies. This will be their first writing piece and writing grade (all big writing pieces are counted as test grades). After their final pieces are published we will begin discussing the components of narrative writing pieces.

This week we reviewed synonyms and antonyms. Next week we will review idioms as a type of figurative language.

Social Studies
In social studies next week we will begin the American Revolution.  

Please email me with any questions, concerns, or celebrations (I want to hear those too) J Have a wonderful weekend!

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