Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, January 31, 2020

Week 24 Newsletter

2/4 – Tuesday – 4th grade lunch and learn
2/5 – Wednesday – Constitutional Compromises Quiz
2/5 – Wednesday – Spring Picture Day
2/7 – Friday- Progress Reports

Two Achieve articles – I encourage parents to work with your child at least on one of the articles. This helps you understand how your child interprets the questions and allows you to talk them through the correct ways to come to an answer (rather than them just choosing one at random).

In reading this week we finished up Theme. Students performed their skits they prepared and their peer audience determined the theme they were attempting to portray. It took longer for each group to present than I anticipated so next week we will begin looking at the elements of poetry.

In writing this week we wrote the introduction to our informational research papers. We talked about different types of leads to grab our reader’s attention such as: asking a questions, interesting fact, or using a famous quote. After students decided on their lead we talked about possible strong topic sentences and how to introduce the subtopics that would be discussed throughout the paper. Next week students will continue to write their body paragraphs and hopefully start on conclusions.

Social Studies
In social studies this week we discussed the Constitutional Compromises. We talked about the Virginia and New Jersey Plans and how they were joined together to form The Great Compromise. Then we discussed how slaves being factored into the state’s population caused a disagreement between the Northern and Southern states. This lead to the Three- Fifths Compromise. Lastly, we covered the compromise that pertained to slave trade. I will send home a short study guide Monday along with work we have done in class on these topics. We will have a quick quiz Wednesday on these topics.

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