Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, December 13, 2019

Week 19 Newsletter

12/18 Wednesday Michael White Assembly
12/19 Thursday Class Party
12/20 Friday Christmas Pajama Day

In reading this week students conducted their independent research projects on the countries they chose. I modeled researching Argentina as an example and showed them how to fill out their organizers. We talked about comparing and contrasting traditions we practice here and the traditions celebrated in Argentina. Later we talked about the difference between “secular traditions” and “religious traditions.” Together, we charted secular traditions we practice as a culture and then religious traditions we practice. This part was VERY interesting because students were able to listen to the cultural traditions of classmates that may have been different from their own. Next week we will finish up the research portion of the project and begin putting the information on the circles so that we can put them all together to make the dodecahedron J

We will also read some fun holiday books and discuss the text structures of the books along with some fun arts and crafts. J

Students learned about Progressive Verb Tenses this week. A progressive verb is a verb that works with another verb to clarify verb tense or tell us WHEN something is happening. This week students learned about this through SB lessons, Powerpoints, and an interactive notebook activity.

Social Studies
This week we talked about the Articles of Confederation. We read about its purpose and what it did for national government. Students also learned about some of its strengths and weaknesses. Next week we will talk about the Constitution and my plan is for students to create a flipbook to use as a reference. J

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