Classroom Resource Pages

Friday, February 28, 2020

Week 26 Newsletter

3/1 – Monday – Red, White, & Blue Day! Students may dress out of uniform IF they are in patriotic colors…they may not wear jeans if they are in regular uniform tops.
3/3 – Wednesday – Special Read Aloud Guests!
3/5 – Thursday – PTA – 4th Grade Performance J
3/6 – Fictional Character Dress-Up Day! – Bring the book

In reading this week we began learning about non-fiction text features. We discussed the differences between text structure and text features. Students understand that the structure is how the text is “built” or “structured” and you have to read the text to determine the text structure. Consequently, text features are visuals that you can see throughout a non-fiction text. They can be found without reading the text. We started the week off with going through a SB and taking notes on all the different types of text features (WHEW! There are more than I thoughtJ). After playing a memory game and reviewing the text features we went to the media center for a scavenger hunt. They found two non-fiction books and documented as many of the text features as they could. You can check out the class pics section for photos! Next week we will continue with NF text features and will test Thursday.

In writing this week we continued practicing our Milestone writing. We completed the graphic organizer together with all of our transition words, subtopics, and text evidence from both passages.  After completing the organizer we looked at some 4th grade response to this particular prompt and used the Milestone rubric to grade it. We discussed each bullet point on the rubric and talked about why or why not they met the criteria (side note: the kids grade SO MUCH HARDER than I ever thought about grading haha). Then I gave them two other passages, prompt, and blank paper to complete independently. So far they have drawn out their organizers, determined what the prompt was asking, and began reading the passages. Next week they will continue filling in the graphic organizer and write their paper.

In grammar this week we continued with ordering adjectives and learned a mnemonic device to help remember the order… Nathan (number) Oliver (opinion) Scott (size) Ate (age) Six (shape) Chocolate (color) Oreos (origin) Mom (material) Packed (purpose). I know it’s a lot for them so we will continue to look at this next week and review previously learned skills.

Friday, February 21, 2020

2/21 TONIGHT Daddy/Daughter- Mother/Son Dance
2/24 Monday Author Visit
3/2 3/6 Read Across America

Achieve HW
Writing As needed- I will email when this comes home.

In reading this week we finished up our unit on firsthand and secondhand accounts. We reviewed differentiating between the two by sorting pictures of firsthand and second hand documents and artifacts. We also practiced analyzing two accounts of the same event and writing a constructed response. I modeled this last week, they practiced this week, and they completed one independently as their question 21 for their cold read. Next week we will begin learning how to interpret information presented in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, etc.

In writing this week we began discussing writing to text and the layout will look on the Georgia Milestone. We began with talking about an organizer students could use for their Informational essays that would be easy for them to remember. We talked about our “game plan” for tackling the prompts and key points to make sure they included. The majority of this week was just them watching/listening/participating while I modeled. Next week we will practice together and then they will practice independently. The resources I am using come from the GaDoe website so please feel free to go look at those to reinforce at home. I will begin sending small amounts of writing homework to support class instruction.

We continued practicing ordering adjectives. Next week, we will learn a mnemonic device to help them remember the order. J

Social Studies
We are learning about important historical figures. This week we took a closer look at Susan B. Anthony and Harriet Tubman. We will continue to learn about other important historical figures over the next few weeks.  

Friday, February 7, 2020

Week 25 Newsletter

2/13 Thursday Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night
2/13 Thursday Bring Valentine’s & boxes
2/14 Friday Valentine’s Day
2/17 Monday President’s Day No School

·       **2 Achieve articles Due Friday WITH PARENTS SIGNATURE
·       ** Bring device every day CHARGED We will be researching

In reading this week we learned about the structural elements of poetry. We discussed rhyme scheme, stanzas, lines/verses, and finding meter (rhythm). Together, we read several poems and discussed the elements of each including theme and locating text evidence to support our theme. We also did some comparing and contrasting between the elements of dramas and poetry. Next week we will move onto distinguishing between firsthand and secondhand accounts.

We finished up relative pronouns (THANK GOODNESS!). Next week students will begin learning how to order adjectives yes that is a thing. J

In writing this week students continued to work on the body paragraphs of their historical figure informational piece. We also talked about how to write conclusions. Students were given a list of possible conclusion transitions and were shown a model on how to restate the topic sentence and subtopics in the conclusion. Overall, the conclusion should restate the topic sentence, explain what the person is remembered for, and briefly restate the subtopics. There should be NO NEW information given it the conclusion.

Next week, we will begin writing informational pieces to text. This is the type of writing they will encounter on the GMAS.

Social Studies
We continued reviewing the Constitutional Convention compromises and began talking about the branches of government. This week we started with the legislative branch, and next week we will move onto the judicial and executive branches.